In accordance with the proverb: 'Everybody is his own neighbour', [i.e. every man for himself!].
for the conscience to be aroused. However, it must not be overlooked that a 'native' man uses the expression burka jiritjina only at times when his feelings are drawn into sympathy as the result of an evil deed or action. If, for example, one follows up [the case of] a man who is having prohibited intercourse with another's wife and is prisoner to his own feelings (thus not guiltless), and who is neither on speaking terms in the normal and customary way, nor generally happy, simply because he is [inwardly] captivated by fear, it is commonly said: burka nunkani jiritjiai his feelings are standing up That is, his conscience is aroused. From this it is evident that the ngara heart, conscience has influenced the emotions, and that the emotions are, so to say, the outward manifestation or tell-tale sign of the conscience, yet burka is not itself the conscience. The latter would even contradict all other expressions associated with burka.
literally, 'the lake is satisfied', in contrast to: nauja pantu mawa nganai the lake is empty literally, 'the lake is hungry, or unsatisfied'.
This is used in a figurative sense of a man who rejects his wife, in order to look around for another [woman], and after that for [still] another. The idea is thereby expressed: 'He is a man driven by sensual appetite for one girl or woman after another'. Cf. baka pirna.
Proverb: dikidikibani-jaurandru nari wokarai death comes from cursing That is, death is born from wishing evil.
i.e. articulate tongue, the only person who can speak well.
Figuratively, the word diltja is used for the biggest of its kind. kajari diltja main creek
mortal beings.
drowsy person.
to ignore good advice. nulia ngakani jaura dakangandrana warai, nunkangundru nulia tertieli wariwarina wonti. he did not accept my good advice; that is why he fainted of thirst perished
not to take any fish out of forbidden waters.
for a second [speaker to relate the same as the first.
[day] that gets so hot in summer, that the muscles hurt when a person walks barefoot.
literally, for a "rain-body" Reuther "Regenleib" is a literal translation of the Diari term. to come up. talara palku karari darrai, morlalu talara kodala nganai rain-clouds are coming up; it is certainly going to rain rain is going to fall
to trip over a stone. madali ngana pirna dakana warai, nunkangundru ngani kunkai the stone caused me to stumble very badly; that is why I am limping
to be caught in the rain. paltuni talarali ngana dakana warai nunkangundru ngani wata nurujeli wokarana warai on the way the rain caught up with me, therefore I did not get here so soon
to be caught in the hail. mardaburujeli ngana naka dakana warai, ngampu ngani nari there the hail caught up with me; I was nearly a dead man (was nearly killed)
for sad news to make one feel depressed. minandru jidni ngaurongauro? kumali ngana dakai why are you sad? Had news makes me feel depressed
literally, 'to really grasp a child'.
figuratively, to pass closely along the foot (side) of a stony hill, grazing it, as it were. marda dingana wapamai ngapa manila, tulali jidna najiati go quite close [up against] the stony hill to fetch the water, so that the enemy does not see you
as in [7].
to rub one another up [the wrong way]; to provoke one another; to challenge one another. minandru nulia milingeru mita dingai tirimalinaia? why does he always provoke the other fellows and challenge them to a fight?
to animate, excite, or stir up all the more.
to upset someone with sad news. jaurali nunkanali nulia ngara ngakani damana warai his words cut me to the heart
to watch out for one's promised share.
to be homesick, or to have the [peculiar] feeling that some calamity has occurred at home.
literally, 'in one's heart'. One does this in a spirit of concern.
literally, 'to poke in the ear'.
not to keep one's promise. jura jaura duljaduljamana warai, ngangau jura tjikatjika poto jinkimalina warai you did not keep your word (promise), for you have exchanged [or bartered] the wrong goods
hand that mislays and loses everything. ngani mara duljadulja, poto pani ngani I hand lose everything, things without I I lose everything, therefore I am possessionless
to heal a wound. karkujeli ngato nina dapa dijana warai, nauia wolja tepirila nganai with red ochre I him wound killed (today), he soon become alive will in having spread red ochre over the wound (by means of invocatory "prayer"), I have checked the wound, so that it will soon be healed
to sing others to sleep, so that they cannot wake up. This is done so that the [local] inhabitants should not wake up, when [for example] it is intended to surprise and overtake a camp in the early morning.
literally, 'with night'.
to shut up house. ngato punga nanata dijala nganai pilki wotila I house her close down [will] elsewhere to build I am closing down camp in order to build at another spot]
to hiccup, to belch, to burp. ngama kaldri ngato dapana warai, neji ngakani wokarala nganai breast bitter I drank today, elder brother mine come will today I have the hiccups; my [elder] brother will be coming today That is to say, hiccups is regarded as an omen that a brother or sister will arrive. Hiccupping is associated with the breast.
which means as much as 'to spit on one's hands. ngato kirra dapanani, nauja morla ngurunguru diala nganai I the boomerang if will kiss, he more strong hit will if I spit on my hands [kiss the boomerang], I will be sure to hit [the target]
sap in plants.
The [implied] meaning is 'to ascend'. The meaning of this simile Reuther: "Vergleichung". is not clear to me. This form of expression probably centres around the legendary pelican. As an aquatic bird, it ascends to an enormous height. Its excreta does not godana while it is swimming, but only after it has ascended [well] into the air. (A pelican excretes only after it has gained considerable height) The sentence marked in parentheses is a marginal note by Reuther. ). It is from here that the meaning of 'ascending upward' is derived. tampangara kudna godai miri pirna pelican excreta falls down height great the pelican's excreta falls from a great height. The real meaning is: the pelican ascends to a very great height
Even this combination of words is difficult to translate into German. Didinga is the resounding (echo) of raindrops falling on the roof, that is to say, when the rain is audible from the interior of the hut. Reuther's writing is hardly legible here, but the word looks like "Innenhuette" godana means to fall down, i.e. when the rain is perceptible on one's body. The rain can only then be felt, when it seeps [or penetrates] through the holes or cracks. All this is implied in didinga godana. ngakani pungandru didinga godai In this instance Reuther varied the word from didinga to dingadinga, evidently in error. it is raining in from [the roof of] my house drops are falling on to my house; the rain is coming in through the holes and is dripping (falling) on to my body
figuratively, to allow to beat or defeat. minandru jidni milkigildi godai? why you tears let fall? why do you shed tears? (or) why did you let yourself be beaten? Answer: bakalali ngani milkigildi godai cold I tears make to fall or, the cold pressed them out of me. That is to say, I could not gain the upper hand on account of the cold, (or) the cold made me numb.
figuratively, to approach a goal.
to grieve. ngara ngakani miltjamiltjariai ninaia kana muntjandru heart mine becomes soft him man because of sick my heart is grieved over this sick man
to have a premonition, presentiment, or foreboding, i.e. to go through various emotional stages or processes ("to perform emotional activities").
to rise in prestige.
i.e. to give oneself airs. nauja kana mungarali katiji: kaparanau, ngaiani ninaia wontjala nganai he man with soul ascends; come, we him try out will this man greatly prides himself; come, let us try him out [to see] if he is really as strong [as he claims].
to proceed beyond a boundary. jura widla ja wonkietja, wata jura wapai kana mudla tulani wokarala, windri ngani you women and squatters, not you go people faces to strange to come, only I you are [mere] women and spine-bashers: you don't [ever] venture to step across the boundary to confront other people; I am the only one
to have a headache. ngaiani mangatandra woldrali pakina warai we heads from the heat burst open we suffered headache from the heat
to have a premonition or foreboding. ngara ngakani pakiji, widla ngakani tjikatjika wapai kanta nankana heart my has a premonition, wife my wrong is going grass to press I have a strange feeling (premonition) that my wife at this moment is committing adultery with another man
to have one's eyes opened over something that one didn't know previously. karari ngani milki pakiji jurangu, mina kana jura? now I eyes burst (see) you, what people you? now my eyes have been opened as to the kind of people you are
for animals to scatter far and wide. nganti majaru moku pakiji kanta pratjana animals rats [bones] spread out grass all the rats are scattered far and wide across the country, devouring all the grass
to get an idea, stick to it, and carry it out, or: to carry [something] out after receiving and holding on to it. ngani pakina kurana wapala nganai, naka warukati wirariji I burst open verify go will, there emus run about I have an idea, indeed, I believe that emus are running about there I will go and find out if that is so.
for one's anger suddenly to rise and burst forth. nauja pakina tarana warai jaura marapujeli he to burst broke out words with many he was so seized with anger, that he suddenly burst forth with a spate of words
to speak straight out, not to keep [anything] secret or covered up.
to dig up a superficially-buried corpse and lay it deeper, or to deepen a grave. The figurative expression, "water", here denotes the body fluid or moisture (cf. kaldi) into which a corpse is changed. kintala jeribaka jura ninaia nari todina warai, jura ngundrai ninaia wata kana marapu ngundrai? ngaiani ngapa kantikantinanto dog like you him deceased have buried; you think him not people many regard? we water must dust out you buried the deceased as superficially as a dog. Do you think that the deceased was held by the people in poor regard? We must take the corpse out of the grave again, dig it deeper, and place the body in a better position The meaning of the word kantikantina in this context is difficult to translate in German. This is the sort of remark made by relatives, whose loved one was not sufficiently well buried.
to summon people out of a camp
to discharge a promise. ngaiani wapananto jaura nunkani kalina we must go word his to wipe out let us go, so that we are not stuck with his invitation
accept a gift. poto maniamai mara nunkani kalinanto, wata nulia poto bakujeli wondrakananto things take hand his should (or may) empty, not he things for nothing should offer take the things, so that his hand is emptied and he has not offered them to you in vain or: accept the gift of his hand, so that he shall not have offered it to you in vain.
i.e. to have no sympathy. tanana ngaiani worani-patana warai, manu ngaiani kapikapina warai junka them we rejected grasped, feelings we enclosed angrily we left them in the lurch, feeling no sympathy for them because we were annoyed.
ie. to sleep together. kaparau ngatona palku karana kurananto dankubana wapala come, I body to wrap up want to lay down tomorrow to go [away] come, I want to sleep with you once more (as a friend), for tomorrow I am going walkabout.
i.e. a dead man.
literally, 'to sit there in a begging mood'. jidni kaukau ngamai ngakani billini, minandru jidni wata ngopera jatana warai, ngato jidna nganti jinkila nganai you beggingly sit my beside net-bag, why you not first spoke, I you meat give will you squat speechlessly beside my net-bag and crave for [something] to eat; why didn't you say so in the first place? I would have given you some food
wicked man.
to admonish.
like an egg (or a stone), so a man's heart (troubled by anger) requires only to be broken for a quarrel [or fight] to begin. The original sentence, awkward and ambiguous, has here been slightly recast. kapi puldru ngankalumai pitali egg broken both make [or cause] with weapons break the egg with [your] weapons In other words, let both of you give vent to your anger, and attack each other with your weapons.
to have a haemorrhage.
literally, 'the riverbed in the sky'. The latter is described as the representation of a riverbed.
to hold one's tongue, to keep silence. Also, to order silence.
literally, 'to become vocal'. kana nauwa kaldra pantjiji, minani kara? man he (at some distance) vocal becomes, what for Reuther translates minani literally and directly from the native idiom (viz. "was zu?" which sounds strange to the German ear). It should read wozu 'what for? to what purpose?'. Cf. No. 242-15, No. 1409. perhaps? he is making sounds; what for, I wonder? Does he wish to call the people together?.
literally, 'until today until today'.
joyless heart.
devoid of foreign speakers. 'Earth' here means one's most immediate surroundings, and 'tongue' means 'language'. The meaning of the phrase, therefore, is: 'free from strange-speaking people'.
not to be wearing a belt.
for no dog to be following on behind
tractable, obedient
to provoke or incite (someone) some distance away from a track.
to cover a distance in quick time, or, by pressing on with all speed, to bring here the place one desires to reach.
about to rain
cool head, [indicating] person who is not quickly roused to anger.
to keep words in reserve, to remember them.
literally 'sound of pieces of stone', as when hail falls noisily.
indicating a man who always likes to stay sitting in camp.
cosy wurley.
humid night.
hot country
warm water
warm bosom, when warming each other
to spread warmth, i.e. warm earth from the fire, on which to sleep
not to exert the hands, as when throwing weapons
when people in a camp stick together
This is said of married couples who have kept each other warm.
to show an angry face
for the soul of a person struck by a thunderclap to slide into the ground. 'Landslide' is [merely] a roundabout way of speaking, because for a person to have been struck dead is never mentioned. [By way of this periphrase] it is intended to express the thought that a person has disappeared from the face of the earth. mita-tali kulno kadiwirina warai landslide one has slid down a hole a man has disappeared from the face of the earth
to give free vent to one's angry words, to utter these without restraint. ngopera nauja murlali ngamana warai, ja karari nauja kantiteriji at first he kindly sat and now he lets loose at first he was friendly to us; now he gives free vent to his angry words
for people to leave a [certain] place. nauja kana mita kantiterina warai wapala he man ground has shaken off to go this man has left the place to go [elsewhere]
for a man to grow lean. jidni juaripirna ngamana warai, jidni pitarani kana-palku kantiterina warai you plump-very have sat, you in the drought man's body have shaken off you used to be very stout, but during the drought you have lost a lot of condition (have grown lean)
actually alongside of or in front of me (or us), meaning someone who is there in actual fact
to be hungry [or to suffer pangs of hunger].
literally, 'tongue'.
very good hearing, or keen hearing.
to envy, to want to have
The word used in respect to human beings is: maltirina to cool oneself off; to relieve oneself
to use the mouth for precisely the opposite purpose for which it was intended, that is, 'to spit out', 'to vomit'. nulupini kanali mana kokulterkibai, minandru nulia marapu tajina warai? this man mouth is turning upside down, why he much has eaten this man has had to vomit; why has he eaten so much?
this is a general remark, when the whole country roundabout stands in view from some elevated point.
This is figurative speech and intends to say: 'the devil has already emptied the body (taken out the soul), so that the man still has only blood in him (consequently lives on without a soul, but must soon die'. Taken literally, the sentence reads: 'the devil has torn off the man's skin, so that he now lies in his blood' (like one half dead).
to whisper (something) in secret. nganaku kana pudla kurukuru dalpa wonkamalina wonti, pudla jerra noa patijiribamalila? I ignorant men (people) both secretly [ear] to each other whispered, both there wives in order to take? these two men have always had a secret between them; did they, after they were gone, perhaps want to obtain wives from where they are now staying?
able to hear the faintest of sounds
quite literally: 'until it has been made perfectly clean'.
for the pulse to be racing
literally, a 'child-like face'.
literally, 'to search around until a thing is found', or better: the searcher until he finds what he is looking for.
literally, 'to climb in secret; secretly to run away'.
literally, 'body of a millstone'.
not to speak about a matter
literally, 'before numerous eyes', unable to say anything when many eyes are looking at one. milki marapuni ngani manngarina warai, tanali ngana najinani, jeruja ngani mana manngarina warai jatala eyes before many I ashamed was, thee me when looking at, so I mouth ashamed was to speak I felt bashful in the presence of [so] many onlookers, so that I couldn't open my mouth to speak
to give him 'a cold shoulder' or 'a cold duck' Reuther: "den Korb geben" This is a mode of expression used when a girl refuses to marry a man. mankarali jidna mudla matana warai? did the girl bite you in the face? Did the girl decline your marriage offer?
constantly to beg for food. jura widlakupali ngana mara matai mauarli you women-and-children me hands are biting hungry you, [my] wife and children, are constantly appealing to me in your hunger for food
for a boomerang to suit ones hand and have the right flourish num="1" pos="167"> Reuther: "schwunggerecht" for one's hand. kirra naupara ngumu morla, nulupara ngana mara matai, kana wata ngato dijiai? paja ngato wata dijiai? boomerang this one good more, this one me hand bites, people not I hit? birds I not hit? this boomerang suits me very fine, for it [just] falls into my hand; with it I will be certain (have a sure hand) to strike birds and humans
literally, 'hand mother'. The [native people] regard it as the mother of the other fingers.
literally, 'to extend the hand to sit down' - in the sense of the German saying, "Lebewohl!").
literally, 'smooth-handed'
[literally: five suns].
when many people are looking at one.
many rumours.
to reach agreement over something. ditji wakani ngaiani jaurandru marakana tarana warai, matja talku ngankana warai sun small we from words crawled out have, [only] just right have made we have been discussing the matter practically since sunset, [and] only now have we reached agreement
an inflammatory temperament. manu ngakani jerkiji tiria temperament mine is burning for strife my spirits are deeply aroused for a fight
to be unhappy
the expression ngapa jeri like water means no wrinkles in the face, i.e. no distorted ideas. nganita ngapa jeri kurla ngamai, ngani murla pirna kana pratjanani, manu tjanka ngani I water like smooth sit, I peace big people to all, temperament soft I I am as smooth as water, maintaining firm peace with everybody, for I have a mild temperament
a character that is deemed to be worthless. "Comparable to the ground" is a very disparaging and disdainful judgement of someone. manu ngani jurangu mita jeri, wata ngato jurana ngantjai nature I to you ground like, not I you love you regard me (my character, my ways and manners) as worthless, therefore I cannot love you either
a timid character, a nervous temperament. kana naujata manu wuldru jatanietja, wata nauja marapu jatai man he by nature nervous (narrow) speaker, not he much says this man, as a speaker, is of a very nervous disposition, therefore he also does not say much
[free to move about?], not to go where anything (whatever its nature) is lying in the way. cf. No. 13.
elbow that does not like to throw a boomerang at a friend. tintipiti ngani jinkangu manngariji dijalata, palpa jerra dijamai, ngatatamarranguntja dijamalianimai! elbow I to you have doubts about to throw, some in that direction throw, brothers among [your]selves throw at each other I didn't trust you as to whether you might also aim at me; aim at those over there, or else you brothers aim at each other
[literally] to make the water friendly, so that it again brings forth fish and these enter the net, after having previously been enchanted.
for the blood in the veins not to be hot.
water source.
whole [wide] world
important news, something new to hear.
[literally] to hurry the eyes.
one who is always [ready (to] strike an immediate blow.
one who always indulges in base talk.
to remember, to recall
to get dizzy
to gather in
to head nearer to a [certain] country
to chant one's ceremonial song so that the day soon dawns.
prudently to overlook a situation.
to submit to the heart's prompting (pressure) and speak up.
literally, 'quiet mouth'
literally, 'bitter mouth, angry mouth'. manakaldri naujata, wata nulia jaura ngumu ngamalkai bitter mouth he, not he words good has he has a sharp tongue and does not use refined language
literally, 'to carry dust that they stirred up against us', i.e. to wrangle with them like they wrangled with us. tanali ngaianina dijana warai, ja ngaiani manju, karari ngaiani woninanto kudnabutara tanani mapibala they us have beaten and we peaceful, now we want to begin dust theirs to collect they knocked us about [even] while we had no argument with them; now let us start to retaliate
to explain words
to resurrect an old complaint; to rehash old troubles. wata jaura mintjimaribamai, patijiritjibaiati not words emphasize, otherwise [will] stir up don't touch on (talk about) the subject again, otherwise there will be a disturbance
to get hungry.
to hurt.
to clothe oneself in [the ceremonial finery of] the deity, to paint, dress and decorate oneself for a ceremonial performance (corroboree). ngaiana Darana mura wirinanto, ninaia nari wokara jupana we [for] a Darana ceremonial performance want to decorate [ourselves], him deceased neck to annoy let us decorate ourselves with the Darana [ceremonial] decorations, in order to accompany with its totemic song the soul of the departed on its [last] journey
for someone to have died.
for one's hunger to have been satisfied.
to give up one's yearning desires.
no longer to help. ngani mara karari mudai jinkani poto manila. jidni ngakangu tiririna warai hand [now] am ceasing your things to fetch, you towards me angry have become (argued against me) from now on I am helping you no more to fetch your things; for you did not take my part in the argument
to have slaked one's thirst.
last-born child, or the last to have sucked at the breast.
two people who resemble each other. kana pudlauata muna wulu jela kulnujerilu people both chest two together until- like-one these two people resemble each other, as though they were one and the same
to tell straight to [another's] face that one doesn't wish [to comply]. jidni teri waka, minani jidni ngakangu munani gilbariji, ngato jidna nandraiatila you young man small, why you towards me against-the-chest are not obedient, I you otherwise [will] hit you, young fellow! are you wanting to oppose me and disobey? I will hit you
one chest alongside another, to sit facing the same direction.
to take an opposing stance, ready to fight; for the weight of a problem to break one's heart
to boast.
to try to win a man for oneself.
when the countryside is very dry, and there are no green plants to be eaten.
generous, in a good as well as a bad sense.
old house; tumble-down hut.
to want s thing.
to want a girl.
This is a sarcastic remark, signifying: 'You are only a child'.
A sarcastic remark, as in No. 22.
This is a figure of speech, somewhat like: 'beat around the bush, i.e. try him out, to see whether he still hasn't some tobacco left.
to eat fat.
to send out a second messenger.
to keep on waiting. manu ngana jura mandrai, ngani nurujeli wanananto feelings me you tie up, I quickly want to leave you are constantly entreating me to stay on, whereas I really want to be leaving soon
not to be able to leave on account of one's wounds. tapali ngana mandrai, jura wolja wapanimai! wounds me are holding fast, you soon go! my wounds are still holding me captive; wait a while yet, until I am able to go with you
to have a large foot like somebody else, or to place one's foot like this or that person, [in other words, to walk just like somebody else. nulia ngaperi tidna mantralkai, ngaperi jenildramata tidna, ja bakana ngatamura jenildramata he father foot carries, father the same foot and also son the sane he has feet just like his father, for the same footprints that his father makes the son makes also
always to be heading [or walking] into the wind.
to divulge a secret. minani jidni jaura buruni mana mankana warai, jidni ngandandari jidni ngapu nganala? why Reuther: (literally) "was zu?" instead of 'wozu' or 'warum'. you words secret mouth went away, you unable silent to renain? why, (did) you divulge the secret (and let your mouth run away) can't you keep quiet?
to think to oneself. ngani palku mankai poto jinkila kara pani kara I body running away things to give or not or I am thinking to myself whether I should give something or not. (According to this sentence the [idea of] giving something away is already predominant)
to be overwhelmed by one's feelings; to get stirred up. kalu ngani mankai, jaurali ngana dilpana wiriji liver I am stirred up, news me to provoke leads into the news has greatly shocked me, so that I am [quite] stirred up and would like to let loose (in anger)
to be seized by a feeling which makes one shudder. njirinjiri ngani mankai, nganako minali kara ngana ngankai horror I sense, not knowing what perhaps me motivates a horrible feeling has crept over me, and I don't know what has caused it (where it came from)
to make up one's mind to go.
to be joyful at one moment and sad the next.
to speak another language; to talk irrationally.
This is a figure of speech, meaning: 'night is drawing nigh'.
[literally] meaning: mouth-sleep, yawning.
very active; [very much alive].
when one [has] struck the target.
hardened heart; heart that is loveless.
the right word; the right idea; the decisive word; an undivided opinion; a [firm] decision.
powerful tongue; weighty words
literally, 'to jab (someone) with a bone'.
deeply-imprinted footmarks
strong and heavy man.
to have no more inclination for anything.
for a person to forget his native country.
to bewitch, to put a spell on.
to stifle somebody's speech; to reduce somebody to silence.
to take a direct route, even through water.
to be stricken by drought. pitarali ngaianina nandrai, talara panini drought (famine) us strikes, Reuther: "Durre (Hungersnot) durch (von) uns schlaegt". Reuther looks upon pitarali as in the ablative case; therefore he uses the prepositions 'through, by'. In reality, however, it is in the agentive (or Nominative II) case and governs the verb. rain no we have been stricken by famine, for it has not rained
for [certain] food not to agree with one [or not to be to one's liking].
to have stomach pains or indigestion.
to ask someone for a gift, such as tobacco. mudla ngana nandramai, ngani ketjaketjananto face me slap, I want to suffer pain slap me in the face so that it hurts That is to say, give me some tobacco.
to paint or daub with red ochre.
to paint white with gypsum.
to paint symbols [on a man's body] which stand out conspicuously.
to strain one's muscles.
to keep one's mouth shut. The native does this with his hand, when he feels urged (as it were) to say something but wants to prevent it.
for one's thighs to be painful after one has slept on hard ground.
for one's jawbone to be painful.
to see whether one might receive something
to compare; to measure
to see lightning in the distance
to travel about in seclusion, (such as the witchdoctors underground, or as the fish under the surface of the water).
to observe how many they are, and whether there are many people arriving.
to watch what a person eats.
to watch exactly what (somebody) is doing.
to take note of somebody else's words.
to bury the hatchet; to put an end to enmity.
meaning to bury the soul in the sand. Also, to rub the fat off one's hands with the aid of sand. This is done, so that other people should not notice that one has been eating meat [in secret].
to be overcome by sleep.
to discharge one's debts.
to forget something; not to think of it any more.
This is [literally] called "death-water".
to speak out.
to convey things to the wrong person
when a man strides forth fearlessly.
i.e. when someone is able to eat very hot food and the mouth is conditioned to it.
to take a direct course in pursuit of it, and not give up the chase.
woman who as yet has not given suck to a child.
woman whose new-born child has died
knot or knob [growing out] of a gum-tree
orphan, child that cannot drink at its mother's breast, because she has died.
mother who has a large supply of milk.
to poke in the eye
to suspect (something); to infer (something) from a statement or action.
to persuade someone not to want to walk on stones, but on sand
to cut up the body (of hunted animals); also to eat the meat off the bones
to decide on a place to meet.
to cause people to become sick and to vomit, by singing an [evil] chant.
to beat [or fight] until blood flows
a child.
to plan a thing and carry it out.
to make sure of something; to certify, to ensure.
to banish qualms of conscience. ninkida ngani japajapa ngamai, wata muka ngakangu parai ngakani ngankanandru, ngani wapala nganai ngara ngururila here I frightened am sitting, not sleep towards me lies because of my doings, I go will heart to grow stronger I am sitting here in great fear over my past [mis]deeds, so that I cannot sleep; I shall go away in order to banish my qualms of conscience
for the conscience to speak. ngara ngakani jatai, ngani wolja nari, ngana wolja nandrala nganai kanali, ngopera ngato ninaka nandraia heart mine says, I soon dead, me soon kill will men; first I him N.N. killed my inner voice tells me that I will soon be slain at the hands of men; at first I helped to kill N.N.
to relax; to take a rest.
other feelings; another opinion; other ideas.
i.e. to be far away in one's thoughts; for one's thoughts to stray.
by anger, sorrow, or thirst.
wounded heart. kupa ngakani nari, ngara ngani tapa, wata ngato ngantjai jatana child mine dead, heart I wound, not I like to speak my child is dead; hence my heart is wounded, so that I don't want to speak
to confuse the mind, ordering a person now to do this, now to do that.
to get furious.
to be angry.
heart that is readily stirred up (to fight); also to be in the throes of death.
i.e. to be tired.
to be deeply shocked at the news that someone has died.
i.e. to suppress one's feelings.
muffled sound; hoarse voice; bass tone. It is assumed that any man with a bass voice has a large cavity of the mouth; the opposite applies to a tenor voice.
i.e. a stomach containing little or no food.
for [the spirits] to grow ever more joyful and gayful.
It is customary to say this when food is very tasty.
for gooseflesh to stand up
undecided whether to go or stay.
to speak openly (about something)
This is merely a figure of speech [to denote that] winkara is growing everywhere.
to enter into a conversation
to ponder over; to contemplate on
to assemble, to concentrate (in one place, in one camp).
to lose weight; to get thinner and thinner
to gather together; to accumulate.
to lower; to cause to sink down.
words which are not to be used in public.
to stretch one's neck in order to have a look around.
very large waterhole; [a main waterhole].
stick which is twirled between the hands for making fire.
interior of a hut (or wurley).
incline or slope of a sandhill.
body warmth, e.g. when two men sleep next to each other to keep themselves warm.
to have a dream; to be given a dream; to dream.
very long spear.
index finger.
biggest sandhill.
clear floodwater. Muddy water is ngapa ngandri mother water.
the biggest hill (mountain or range).
for a lot of grass to be growing.
very broad stripe painted on the body.
very large or deep hole or animal warren.
very serious and horrible disease or epidemic, causing a lot of people to die.
tree that stands solitary or alone.
dry [waterless] plain.
dry, waterless lake.
wurley that stands solitary, on its own.
man who carries out his intentions later than he says, e.g. instead of leaving in the morning, he leaves at midday.
to make it fearful, so that it becomes troubled, disquieted.
for numerous snakes to be crawling around on sandhills.
to confirm, to ratify what someone else has said.
to take a second wife in addition to the first.
to express the same thoughts as another person has had
to speak at one and the same time.
to want a drink.
to want food.
to consider the time of day
to want to sleep
to want meat.
to want to turn back.
to devote a lot of thought to something.
when a person is not guilty, or when injustice or injury is done to him.
to get something better to eat.
to accede to an invitation.
person who can run well.
for one to feel always stronger than others.
to recognize a person by his voice.
to be able to speak a dialect.
its variety or species.
ugly face. This is an abusive term.
to hurry on ahead of someone else.
to carry out one's cherished ideas.
person who talks a lot about himself.
to freely expresses the innermost thoughts in one's heart.
to be upset, to be weeping.
to suddenly gives a lot of things away
when a person beholds something which he has never seen before.
for one suddenly to remember something.
for eyes to fall shut, to grow tired
to feel uncomfortable, after having eaten a very large meal
for a millstone to get heavy
for eyes to fall shut from weariness.
no longer to be able to hear while sleeping.
i.e. no longer to be observed Reuther: "das Gemuet absterben". .
for the pulse to grow weaker, so that the person [eventually] dies.
to have died in a dream, or to have dreamt that one is dead.
to [have] focused one's attention on something that one would like to have [had] at all costs, e.g. a young girl as a wife, however, on having not attained [one's desire], to give to understand by one's facial expression that one wishes to have nothing more to do in connection with the affair. When a man has had his first love refused, he does not feel inclined to [exercise] a second [choice]. Against the background of his first love, the shadow of a second [choice] always leaves its imprint, especially among pagans, and with little prospect of better success.
when some news or information is not passed on, because no importance or significance is attached to it, and it therefore lapses in the sand (as it were).
to have no more good word to say in someone's favour, rather to wish him dead; to have no more mercy [on him].
for wind to die down, or ease off.
for a firestick to die down (or) go out.
to have grown stiff from work.
for a mother to have no more milk to suckle [her child].
for the moon to wane.
to become tired, fatigued.
to kill a man.
to apply a gag on him, so that he has nothing more to say.
to have a feeling that something extraordinary is in the wind.
to be unable to forget an idea
to follow, trace, pursue, someone's footprints.
to become reconciled to someone. (One party brings an angry face, while the other carries it away; thus they compose their differences).
If a person's nose itches, [it is believed] a friend is on the way; the nose, however, has already brought this friend here in advance.
to hurry oneself.
to save one's life.
to keep one's thoughts to oneself, and stick to them.
to go anywhere without prejudice, and meet one's death.
to feel ashamed and leave
to be busy.
only a little help.
to give up a love affair.
to chew (something).
to terminate (remove) the sorrow of a mourner.
easily to learn a language.
to describe country as [a place] where one obtains insufficient food.
a person inspired (driven) by fear.
to fall from its handle.
for teeth to fall out.
to lure someone away.
to receive nothing and to have to go away empty-handed.
to let one's thoughts and feelings wander far away.
quickly to take something to someone
to drag someone away by the arm.
to consider everything carefully.
someone who doesn't speak.
not to let one's wife go; to hang on to her well and truly.
main or central support-post of a wurley.
end of a breached sandhill.
heavy, ascending clouds.
to say (something) unafraid.
for footprints to exist.
to direct one's attention on something.
for one to be familiar with (it).
to give one's word for it.
flattering, adulatory words.
man without a moustache
when a person listens attentively and obeys.
everybody angry with one another.
sheer rain when the sky is covered with virtually black clouds.
for the grass to dry off and the ground become bare.
for various opinions to become reconciled.
mitigated anger.
one who doesn't hear [or listen].
one who doesn't walk about very much.
dumb; one who doesn't speak.
one who doesn't work, or who doesn't give anything away.
not to have received an invitation.
a person with whom one don't like to converse.
one who is always listless.
when there is not much food to eat.
one who is constantly active and busy.
when one has not yet seen any of the approaching [visitors].
unable to see.
i.e. when a person is constantly ill.
one who has no craving (sense of smell) for home; one whose nose is blocked; one who always stays away [from home].
to have nothing more to say.
without giving anything, greedy.
to be habitually sleepy, dreamy.
a very large foot
to begin to feel sensitive about something.
when a man wants to go from one place to another.
e.g. when an argument has started up somewhere.
creek that is wide throughout.
treachery to right and left (here, there and everywhere).
for a report or rumour to circulate.
to widen one's field of vision.
to grasp [or understand] an idea.
to speak of oneself in glowing terms.
to boast of one's hair.
to boast of one's beautiful decorative symbols.
for a person no longer to work.
to sit stock-still while lying in wait [for animals].
when a man eats only seed and no meat.
when one has only one type of vegetables . Reuther: "Kraut". to eat and no meat
[for one's face] to become sullen, surly, glum.
when he has been stabbed with spears.
one who is friendly to everybody.
one who is able to make weapons, etc. more skilfully.
[the ability] to think differently.
person who broadcasts a thing here, there and everywhere.
man who gives everything away, something here and something there.
to say something straight out
to attempt to kill the right man.
to die.
to send one group of people in this direction, another group in that
for a speaker to increase in fervour.
to bury a man
to lose one's courage.
to stop eating.
to grow thin.
for birds to begin to lay eggs.
to cast one's gaze in sorrow to the ground.
to be hungry.
to provide and look after children or old people.
to deprive someone of his strength by means of sorcery.
to allow someone to go along after a lot of persuasion.
no longer to work.
to summon people from both banks (sides) down into the bed of a creek.
to focus one's attention on something.
to take fish out of the mesh of a fishing-net.
to speak when one should not. One doesn't say, [for example:] "the dog has caught the emu;" this would cause him to lose it again. Therefore a man looks on in silence, and says nothing.
to order someone to attend to this and that.
to present two lines of thought.
for feelings of mercy to find self-expression.
to be able to see things now from a proper point of view.
to speak with fervour about one's affairs.
dim, dull eyes.
mouth deprived of fat, [because] there is no meat to eat.
to encourage a person in such a way that he does something
to express oneself forthrightly
for a man to lose condition during an illness.
to hold words in check [or to reserve one's counsel].
to heave a sigh.
to suffer heart-burn.
so that a person loses his temper.
fine drizzling rain.
to cause rain to cease.
to come up and spy around to see if there isn't another rain [cloud] in the vicinity.
to be drenched in the rain.
i.e. to be very hungry.
i.e. for a man to travel a long distance in quick time.
to burn up everything.
i.e. for a man to dig very fast.
upper and lower lips.
message that has been sent out in this and that direction, [but only] a portion of which has reached a certain point.
call to other people
loud rumbling [noise] of the earth, when a piece [breaks off and] rolls down below.
sound of grinding seed.
to beg, hard press a person to do something.
when there is no meat to be had.
in the case of a sick man.
i.e. a braggart; big talker; [windbag].
i.e. continually to bawl during a ceremonial song.
not to let oneself be seen any more.
to join in eating seed which belongs to someone else.
to maintain something, to insist on something.
to hold one's hand up.
to yawn; to gape [open]-mouthed.
to be undecided.
to watch for; to be on the lookout for.
to peep, showing one's face.
to prick up one's ears; to listen very intently.
for evening to appear.
to be motionless.
to lift up one's arm.
to be healthy.
to be motionless, to be continually waiting for someone.
to be always thinking of one and the same thing.
to lift one's knees up high.
to kneel down.
to prop oneself on one's elbows.
to be full.
to stand on end, [e.g.] at the sight of a spirit.
to hoid (stretch) one's head high.
to stretch one's neck, to crane one's neck.
to insist on one's plan.
to move aside.
to stand still and inhale where the smell is coming from.
to wait and keep a watch out [for somebody].
to take up one's stand in front of someone and not allow him to be killed.
to consider oneself important.
for emus to listen very intently.
to make grimaces [or funny faces].
to stand in a circle.
to be orphaned.
to wait with ardent, wistful longing.
to take up a secret stand.
to act as a dead man's substitute; to stand security for a dead man.
to lift one's finger.
when a man escapes who someone wanted to kill.
to relate where one has been.
to take up one's position fearlessly.
to say words straight out.
when only words are needed to start a fight.
hamstring [at the back] of the knee.
spine, backbone, vertebral column.
flash of lightning.
rays of the morning sun.
when someone speaks without a break.
words considered from another angle.
words considered from two points of view.
to satisfy one's hunger.
no longer to desire what one wanted.
not to yield on a clear issue.
you can't get away from your wurley.
good-natured person.
to disturb the peace that has been restored through the [reciprocal] killing of a second man.
to be of two minds.
when a man does not know what he wants.
bewildered mind.
to persuade the other person to agree to (something).
to convince someone to [adopt] the same point of view.
not the right words.
of a person who is thinking of (something) far away.
to think differently.
to become mentally confused.
to introduce rumours which cause the people to become agitated.
when a man is hungry and discouraged.
face not rubbed with fat.
This is said of a man who always keeps his wife company in the camp.
i.e. when a man has no fat to eat.
in ancient times.
[for a camp] to be full of people.
to distort, change, reverse information.
verbally to hard-press him.
when one's brother has died.
to have a premonition that one ought to go.
to have one's thoughts elsewhere.
to teach others a song.
to teach others a legend.
When it itches, a friend is [said to be] on the way.
heart that cannot stand up to running.
when numerous [people] are walking along in single file, [each several paces apart].
to seduce.
When a good man dies, it is common to say: nulia mita wiribai he is rubbing in the ground This means: 'he is making it good, beautiful'.
hunger. Reuther: "hungrig" 'hungry,' (adj.). However, it is a noun phrase.
to remember.
to hear
to get a fright.
This is a metaphorical expression for when there are no people living in it.
when a lot of people are being buried. This is another [such] metaphorical expression.
now friendly, then nasty.
to induce (someone) to talk.
to start a fight.
to lose one's [sense of] direction.
to harass a person at the half-way [point], so that he turns back.
to follow a person, step-by-step.
farthest [point] that one has ever journeyed
fondly to devote one's thoughts to something
to give one's daughter as a wife to another man
to hurry on ahead.
to hold a person in slight regard
to arrive at one's desired objective.
to be near death's door.
to be near death's door.
to hard-press a person more and more.
to approach, move closer to a person.
to feel very sad, e.g. when death has taken place.
not to give any more.
to [burst out] crying.
not to let someone do what he would like to.
'to proceed straight across country.
to stay one's hand, and not kill.
keep one's mouth away from food, to abstain from food.
to kill a person
to kill a person
to arouse someone from his sleep.
to be satisfied with food.
to command silence.
to have a premonition.
when one's nose itches, it is regarded as a sign that someone is coming.
to convince.
to rake up past matters.
to be in a bad temper.
to crave for something.
to look angry.
to be unanimous.
to get angry.